Moloch, le géant des montagnes (150mm)

€59 Add to cart


Allan Carrasco

Jérémie Bonamant Teboul

Finest quality polyurethane resin, supplied unpainted. Packaging are in trensparent vynil bags for miniatures.


What we stood upon, us the sons and daughters of Ymir, is not just the land of our ancestors. It is the very body of our all-father. His body, teared limb from limb by Odin who, for sole apology, had an irrationnal hate.
Today, sons and daughters of Ymir, we will carve a new world from the blood and bones of the Aesirs !

Atallah Jean-Khalil Translation : Atallah Jean-Khalil
Order Figurine Figone_Moloch @ €59.00