Kahar (75 mm)

€45 Add to cart

75 mm

75 mm

Allan Carrasco

Jérémie Bonamant Teboul

Finest quality polyurethane resin, supplied unpainted. Packaging are in trensparent vynil bags for miniatures.


Kahaar is coming back to port, hading back to his turf, to home...
He'll come back to the tribe, the elders and the females as well.
The young must have grown, maybe some even got their tusks!
Kahaar has been gone for a long time.
A skillful and experienced warrior in his clan, he had left to explore beyond their land.
Gone to understand.
Why the ice floe has been tearing itself up, and why it's been getting so hot...
He's also bringing some food back with him.
The fish has been scarce for a while.
The times are changing, we need to adapt, but bloody hell, whoever's been raising the heat like that, we won't telegraph our feelings - they'll understand straight up, and they'll have a bad moment!

Guillaume Bry Translation : Eric Harlaux
Order Figurine figone_kahar @ €45.00